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Governing Board Selects Dr. Jeffrey P. Nasse as New PCC Chancellor
An adult learner studies at a Pima Adult Learning Center


法律部门服务于皮马社区学院区的法律需求. This is accomplished by:

Advising and educating the Governing Board and College employees about the legal implications of policy and other decisions; Supporting College functions through the delivery of legal 服务s; Representing the interests of the College in any administrative or legal proceedings involving the College; Retaining and managing outside legal 服务 providers.

This department provides for the legal needs of the institution. It cannot advise or represent individuals on personal matters, 包括对学院不利或与学院无关的问题.

FAQs including political activities and others:

Who does the 法律 Department represent?
法律部为皮马社区学院提供法律咨询和代理服务. In that capacity, attorneys advise the Governing Board members, Chancellor, Administrators, and other staff all in their official capacities, on various legal issues impacting the College.

Can I obtain personal legal advice and 服务s from this department?
No. This department provides legal 服务s related to College business only. You can consult with an attorney regarding legal matters related to carrying out your official duties as an employee or representative of the College; however, 你有责任雇佣自己的律师来处理个人法律事务.

如果你需要法律意见或个人事务的代表(离婚、子女监护、遗嘱等).), the following organizations may be able to help you:

Are there College policies regarding “conflicts of interest”?
大学员工在就业过程中可能会出现一些与冲突相关的政策. 这些包括工作职责和非工作事务(外部就业或为其他组织服务)的义务之间的冲突,以及可能影响你为学院做出决定的财务或个人考虑(与供应商或同事的关系)。. Generally, 参与与你有冲突的事情的决定是被禁止的,或者需要披露和/或批准.

Additional Information:

Arizona law prohibits the use of College personnel (while on duty), equipment, materials, facilities, 或用于影响选举结果的其他资源. 政治活动应该在员工的私人时间进行, outside the classroom or other instructional setting, using the employee’s own or other private resources.

Additional Information:
Are there any restrictions on lobbying?
是的. There are restrictions on certain lobbying methods. 游说 is defined, 在某种程度上, 任何企图影响任何地方或州法律的通过或失败, ordinance, resolution, or regulation. This includes, but not limited to, presentment of any gratuity, special discount, 忙, 服务, economic opportunity, loan or other benefit not provided to members of the public.

Except in limited circumstances, 被选举和任命的官员被禁止以官方身份做出有利的决定或其他行为来换取任何此类利益. Consequently, 大学员工不应从事任何可能有被禁止的游说方法的活动.


Additional Information:
I am being asked to accept a subpoena – what do I do now?
传票要求记录:如果流程服务人员或其他人试图给你或你的工作人员传票要求记录, do not accept the subpoena. 指示程序服务器将传票直接送到法务部, District Office, Room C-232.

个人出庭传票:如果传票是你个人出庭作证或与学院有关的事情的审判, 您可以接受传票,然后立即联系法务部(520-206-4940)。. 然而, 如果传票涉及与你的大学工作无关的个人事务,本办公室将无法帮助你.


Do not accept 服务 of the lawsuit. 将流程服务器转至区办事处C-232室法务部.

我个人曾在一起诉讼中被列为被告,但是以大学员工的身份. Will the 法律 Department defend me? If I lose, will I have to pay damages?
学院将为以官方身份被起诉的学院员工提供法律辩护. In most cases, 学院的责任保险公司将为索赔进行辩护,并将支付因员工在雇佣范围内以授权身份行事时的疏忽和遗漏而产生的任何索赔判决. If you are personally named as a defendant, 您应该立即联系法务部(520-206-4940),以便审查事实和情况,以确定代理是否合适.

我们部门收到了与我们有业务往来的供应商或个人发出的破产通知. What should I do?
Contact the 法律 Department (520-206-4940) immediately. 由法律规定, 学院和其他债权人在收到破产通知后可采取的行动受到限制. Therefore, 您必须在收到通知后立即通知法务部,以便我们与您一起审查此事并以适当的方式作出回应.
Can I make a tax-deductible 礼物 for the College’s benefit?
是的. 根据《星际官方赌钱》第170条,对学院的捐赠通常可以扣除联邦税. All 礼物s must be processed through the Pima Community College Foundation.

Additional Information:
亚利桑那州法律和学院政策禁止学院员工接受礼物, including things and benefits of value, 从任何与学院签订或寻求成为任何合同一方的人士处获得.

Additionally, it is unethical for a member of the College Faculty to accept gratuity, 礼物, 或可能损害或影响学院成员的专业决定或行动的偏袒.

Additional Information:

Contact Us

Pima Community College
Office of the College General Counsel
4905 E Broadway Blvd.
Tucson, AZ  85709-1005

Phone: (520) 206-4940
电子邮件: [email protected]

Jeffrey Silvyn
General Counsel and Vice Chancellor for 法律 Affairs
Phone: (520) 206-4678
电子邮件: [email protected]

R. Seth Shippee
Deputy General Counsel
Phone: (520) 206-4650
电子邮件: [email protected]

Angie Wesson
Coordinator for 法律 Affairs
Phone: (520) 206-4794
电子邮件: [email protected]

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